Jun 24, 2012

Windows Phone in Hand

Hi, all

Yesterday I received a valuable new asset for eMob Tech: a Nokia Lumia 800, powered by Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango). A first look at it, what a great design and lightweight! When you fire it up, it also looks fantastic.

The Metro interfaces developed by Microsoft is very curious (and different of anything else) at first look, but you get used really fast. There is no concept of windows (ironic, huh?). The whole system and apps seems to be positioned in a really big screen, on which you navigate through easily swiping from the left to the right and vice-versa. It remembers the navigation system present in the Playstation 3.

During the next week I will give my iPhone (don't worry, I'll be back!) some rest, so I can try Windows Phone out. Let's see how this system behaves along the week with my routine tasks (e-mail, alarms, web, social, games, etc).

Who knows a new platform will be incorporated by eMob Tech for future projects. Let's see what happens.

See you in the next post...

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